During april to may Amsterdam turns into flower paradise. It inflates with millions of tulips making it the most colorful and mixed city on the Earth. You can see tulips everywhere: on squares, canals, lamps and showcases etc.
The most popular colors are red and white, and the most rare are black and blue. The red tulip with white edging is a classical harmonious flower combination stimulating a sense of gladness.
And black and blue bells you can see more often at the pictures then in the real life.
Blue tulip presents just in mind of floriculturists but there are a lot of sorts including the words in their names such as blauw. It is considered that there is no DNA responsible for blue color.
The first tulips came to Holland from Turkey 400 years ago. Exotic flowers with sharp long petals decorated the sultan’s castles and has been in respect in people minds.
Nowadays Holland exports hundreds of sorts of tulips abroad. Only men can cultivate tulips!
So, I think that you enjoy finding any useful information about history of tulips. And as usual you are welcome to add something that you know. Please feel free to post comments. But I ask you to post only relevant comments NO SPAM allowed! Thank you.
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